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Monthly Harvest - July 2024

July 2024

Hello Farm to Fork Friends!

School might be out of session, but we are more engaged than ever in connecting youth with local food! Squash Summer Hunger is active in June to help inform families about summer meal sites, but the effort doesn’t end there! As the squash continues to ripen in abundance, many schools will still be serving local squash to their students. Is your school one of them? Let us know!


A huge thanks to Utah Agriculture in the Classroom for hosting us, along with agriculture educators from across the country, for the 2024 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference in Salt Lake City. Their team did an amazing job showcasing local agriculture and food products in Utah, and our team had a wonderful time presenting on connecting the classroom to the cafeteria.


Let's give a big round of applause to the fantastic school culinary teams who joined us for our 2024 Scratch Cooking Workshops!


We've wrapped up our 2024 culinary workshops at Sevier and Tooele School Districts! Chef Cyndie's Culinary Solutions team guided us through dozens of recipes, including gourmet grilled cheese and homemade granola with dried fruit, all featuring locally grown ingredients from Utah.


Stay tuned as we welcome them back next year in Alpine and Logan School Districts!


What to Harvest This Month

June brings a bountiful harvest of squash, perfect to continue celebrating Squash Summer Hunger! Try this fun and delicious Harvest of the Season recipe for Cheesy Ratatouille Pasta with your family. These tasty treats are a wonderful way to enjoy the season's abundance.



Get Involved!

Today’s the day! Starting July 1, child nutrition programs will now be able to use “locally grown,” “locally raised,” or “locally caught” as a specification requirement for fresh and minimally processed food items. Under current rules, local food can be preferred in bid scoring criteria but bids cannot specify a food must be local. This change simplifies the geographic preference process for child nutrition programs, making it easier to purchase local foods. 


Did you attend a Movement Building Workshop this year? Share your feedback to help improve next year's workshops! Complete the survey here!


Resources and Trainings

Producer Q&A for Utah Farm to School | TODAY - July 1st at 3:00 PM | Register here!


Join the Utah Farm to Fork team for a 1-hour Q&A session to discover how producers can benefit from Utah's Farm to School initiatives.


Local Food Purchasing Incentive Resources

The National Farm to School Network has introduced a new series of resources on Local Food Purchasing Incentives (LFPIs), created in collaboration with Michigan State University Center for Regional Food Systems! View the resources here! 

Bilingual Family Engagement  |  School Gardens Support Organization Network  |  July 31 at 12:30 PM  |  Register here!


Families are a crucial element of the school garden ecosystem, and are often overlooked when planning garden programming. Join two of the Wasatch Community Gardens Youth and School Program team to learn about successes and challenges of engaging families in school garden spaces at two sites in Salt Lake City, Utah. Discuss culturally competent “best practices” for working with families and learn ideas for starting bilingual family engagement programs at your own sites. 

Presenters will include:

- Kimberly Yapias, School and Family Garden Manager at Wasatch Community Gardens in Salt Lake City, UT

- Emily Büchi, Youth and School Program Director at Wasatch Community Gardens in Salt Lake City, UT


Congrats to Wasatch Community Gardens for this national recognition! 


Food Justice

Summer Meals and Snacks for Kids

Looking for summer meals for kids? Every child aged 18 and under can enjoy free, on-site summer meals, with some rural communities offering to-go options. Use this handy site finder to locate meal programs in your area!


Second Chance Day with Wasteless Solutions | August 26 | 6:00-9:00 PM | Buy your ticket!

Support reducing food waste in Utah through Wasteless Solution’s annual fundraiser! Throw on your favorite thrifted outfit and enjoy amazing rescued food from six chefs. They’ll also have a DJ to pump up the music while you dance the night away and there will be a silent auction with sustainable items like outdoor adventures and food items for you to bid on. Get your groove on and join us!


Job Opportunities

Child Nutrition Manager | Taylorsville Elementary School | Apply here!

Contribute to providing healthy meals for students by planning, implementing, and supervising the operation of an assigned school cafeteria for the preparation and service of meals and other foods.


AmeriCorps Food Pantry Support Specialist | Community Action Services | Apply here!

As a key member, you'll wear multiple hats - from warehouse wizard to pantry powerhouse. Your role involves sorting and stocking, greeting patrons with a smile, and mastering the art of data entry. Bonus points if you're fluent in both English and Spanish. Make a difference with us, and let's feed joy to those in need!


Do you have a farm to fork job opportunity you'd like us to share? Let us know! Jobs must be located in Utah or fully remote.


Funding Opportunities

Sprouting School Gardens Grant - LEARN MORE & APPLY

Grants range in size from $5,000 to $10,000 and support school garden program operations, program supplies, and educator stipends that help school gardens thrive. Eligible applicants include schools or 501(c)(3) nonprofits running programs on school campuses in communities where Sprouts Farmers Market has stores.


Grant Deadline Extended: The Sprouting School Gardens Grant application will close on July 15, 2024. Grants available in the 23 states with Sprout stores.


Growing Healthy Kids Grant- LEARN MORE & APPLY

Grants range in size from $5,000 to $10,000 and support healthy lifestyle and nutrition education programs outside of the school day and community programs for children and their families. Applicants must be 501(c)(3) nonprofits operating in communities where Sprouts Farmers Market has stores.


Grant Deadline Extended:

Grant Timeline: The Growing Healthy Kids Grant application will close on July 15, 2024.

Grants available in the 23 states with Sprout stores


You'll hear from us again next month. In the meantime, we'd love to hear from you!


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