Food Service
Getting Started
Sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start. For just a taste of the what and why of farm to fork, try our list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Wondering what's available to buy throughout the year? Take a look at our Harvest Schedule. But remember, farm to fork doesn't just include fresh produce. You can buy locally sourced meats, grains, and dairy products, as well as frozen, canned, and dehydrated foods.
Dive right in! This Step by Step Guide will walk you through the basic steps of purchasing local food to serve in your child nutrition programs.
Connect with Farmers
Utah Farm to Fork wants to make it easy to buy local food for Utah's Child Nutrition Programs. We've compiled a database of farmers who are interested in selling their products to schools, child care centers, and summer food programs. Access the database here:
If you are interested in purchasing local products, complete the Farm to Fork Buyer Survey so farmers and ranchers near you can reach out about products they have available for purchase.
Ready for More?
The following pages contain more detailed information and resources on food safety, local procurement, and marketing your farm to fork program.
Featured Resources
Farm to Fork FAQ's
Frequently asked Farm to Fork questions. If you have additional questions after reviewing this sheet, please get in touch on the Get Connected page.
Utah's Harvest Schedule
Learn when fruits and vegetables are available throughout the year.
Step by Step Guide for Purchasing from Utah Food Producers
This checklist will guide you through the steps of purchasing local foods to serve in the child nutrition program you operate.

Resource Database
The National Farm to School Network hosts a comprehensive list of Farm to School resources. The database includes information on farm-based education, marketing assistance, cafeteria menus, classroom and cafeteria curriculum, peer reviewed studies and much, much more. Access the database here.