Garden Map
Gardens come in all shapes and sizes, and school districts, along with other community institutions with varying levels of land are finding ways to establish gardens both within and outside school grounds. Gardens can be as simple as a few containers on a windowsill or cover acres, and gardens can thrive in all climates. Program operators find that even small gardens help children gain familiarity and comfort with the fruits and vegetables they are seeing more of at mealtimes. Gardens also provide a great opportunity to volunteer and engage with your local schools or community.
Visit the Garden Resources page to learn how to start a garden at your school, find teaching materials, and for other useful school garden resources.
Utah School Gardens Map
School Gardens by District

Utah Farm to Fork is helping to keep youth gardens growing! Learn more about programs across the state by using the interactive map below. The Utah Garden Map displays school and youth gardens across the state. This map can be used to connect with garden-based educators in your region or to find youth gardens and school garden support near you.
School districts are organized by region. Visit your region and click on a site to see details about a garden. You can choose which districts you are viewing by clicking this symbol found in the top left corner of each map.